Bringing you the best
of the best, all in one place
One of the benefits of having been in the Physical Therapy, Wellness, and Entrepreneurial Industries for over 25 years is that I’ve gotten to really know which products, services, and providers are worth our investment, and which ones to skip and save your time and money!
I have collated the resources that I am most frequently asked about into these three categories to help you find exactly what you need and when you need it.
For links to my favorite products & home exercise equipment, check out the SHOP page!
Aside from the SSOL Schroth and BSPTS directories, the following list of professionals are people whom I have known for YEARS and are truly amongst the best in their field.
While there are many physicians, surgeons, bracing specialists, and more who are also exceptional, this list simply includes the medical professionals with whom I have directly worked with over the years and would feel confident sending my own family to for care.
I am happy to share the international directories for finding a certified SSOL Schroth or BSPTS therapist. Please note that each therapist and medical professional often has their own way of delivering treatment; I do not specifically endorse, approve or promote any therapist or medical professional in particular. Sharing these directories and listings is simply my way of helping you or your family connect with a trained professional near you!

SSOL Schroth was founded by the collaborative efforts of Dr Hagit Berdishevsky and Andrea Lebel. Hagit and Andrea each studied directly under Christa Schroth and Dr Manuel Rigo, and were certification course teachers for BSPTS. In 2020, Hagit and Andrea received Dr Rigo’s blessing to create their own certification program, integrating original Schroth concepts with an evidenced based evaluation and treatment approach that supports the whole person.
I am grateful for having earned my original certifications from Hagit whilst she was teaching for BSPTS, and for the generosity of teaching, mentoring and incredible high level of intelligence that Hagit and Andrea have brought to their certification program.
Find a Certified Therapist
BSPTS (Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School) was founded and created by Dr Manuel Rigo who worked and studied directly with Christa Schroth for the majority of his professional career. Dr Rigo is a true pioneer in the field of scoliosis and is one of the kindest, most caring, and brilliant souls on this planet. A licensed medical physician initially trained in immunology, he devoted his entire professional career to the study and elevation of scoliosis and spinal asymmetries. I am grateful for the opportunity to have learned and studied directly from him over the years. He has grown BSPTS to an international program.
Find a Certified Therapist
David Feldman, MD
Dr Arun Hariharan, MD
West Palm Beach, Florida
(Adult and pediatrics)

John Asghar, MD
Plantation, Florida
(Adult and pediatrics)

Jeff Cantor, MD
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
(Adult spine specialist)

Nathaniel Lowen, MD
Boca Raton, Florida
(Adult spine specialist)

Baron Lonner, MD
New York, New York
(Adult and pediatrics)

Michael Vitale, MD
New York, New York
(Adult and pediatrics)

Stephen George, MD
Miami, Florida

Joshua Rothenberg, DO
Boca Raton, FL

Ezra Berkowitz, MD
Palm Beach, FL

Align Clinic (clinics across the US)
Grant Wood, MS, CPO

East Coast Orthotic & Prosthetic Corp (New York Region)
John Tunney, BOCPO Certified Prosthetist/Orthotist

National Scoliosis Center (Fairfax, Virginia)
Luke Stikeleather, Certified Orthotist

Scoliosis Today (South Florida)
Walter Ramos, PT, Licensed Orthotist & Prosthetist

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My favorite scientists, teachers, physicians and professionals sharing their incredible expertise. Below is just a small sampling of some of my favorite episodes – check them out, and I hope you enjoy learning from these experts as much as I do!
Cultivating Growth Mindset as Movement Teachers - Hannah Teutscher | Pilates Exchange
Hidden Brain: The Edge Effect
Hidden Brain: When Everything Clicks
Hidden Brain: One Head, Two Brains with Dr Iain McGilchrist
Huberman Lab Podcast: The Science of Slowing & Reversing Aging with Dr David Sinclair
Huberman Lab Podcast: The Science of Making & Breaking Habits
Celest Pereira / Love at First Science: Debunking Beliefs about Breathing with Patrick Mckeown
Celest Pereira / Love at First Science: Breathing to Save Your Life with James Nestor
The Doctor's Farmacy: 5 Steps to Get to the Root Cause of Your Symptoms
The Doctor's Farmacy: What to Eat for Balanced Blood Sugar
As an evidenced-based medical professional, having high-quality research behind our work is paramount. The list of publications below is only a small sample of peer-reviewed research available on the topics of scoliosis, spine health, core stability, breathing, and more. Submitting such publications on PSSE & Schroth to your insurance company can often be helpful to improve the chances of reimbursement when working with an out-of-network physical therapist. I hope you find this small library of articles helpful, informative, and enlightening! Feel free to access, download, and share this link.